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So far staffo65 has created 20 blog entries.

The New Frontier–Gay Marriage–or as we should call it: Marriage

Same sex couples in every state of the country can marry. OBERGEFELL ET AL. v. HODGES, DIRECTOR, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH You can find the decision here: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/14-556_3204.pdf Same sex couples in every state of the country can marry--something many in our country never expected. And it brings about a change many older gays and lesbians [...]

2015-06-28T15:09:36-04:00June 28th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Incorporate Transition Planning into Special Education Plans

This article is meant to address the tricky area of Transition for students with disabilities. Since April is Autism Awareness Month, attorney Mary Kathryn McKinley has written this piece with tips and ideas to help assure that transition services are built into the plan. Postsecondary outcomes are sometimes minimized in the quest to graduate. But [...]

2015-04-25T11:05:24-04:00April 25th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Welcome News about Students With Disabilities

A recent report demonstrates a bit of progress, in terms of graduation.  See the report here: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2015/03/17/graduation-rates-inch-up/20141/ In Michigan, the Michigan Protection and Advocacy (a non-profit agency) tries to to advocate and protect the legal rights of people with disabilities in Michigan. According to information on their website "MPAS services include information and referral, short-term assistance, selected [...]

2015-03-30T16:17:09-04:00March 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|


在密歇根成立或者重组小型企业既有点可怕或者说没有头绪,但同时又会很刺激。密歇根州政府在自己的网站上提供了很多与此相关的信息,例如:http://www.michiganbusiness.org/cm/files/brochures/non-medc_produced/guide-to-starting-and-operating-a-small-business(1).pdf;以及http://www.michigan.gov/business。 很多小型企业都设立为个体企业 (Sole Proprietorship)的形式,这主要是因为该形式不需要繁杂的注册手续,而且仅需一名“员工”——即企业所有人。但即使是个体企业的设立,这其中也涉及申请商业名称 (assume name application)、满足当地区域规划以及许可法律法规要求等事项, 由于在运行中可能遇到各种财务及法律风险,现在很多企业均倾向于设立为小型公司或者某种类型的有限责任公司。一个合理设立并正常运营的公司或有限责任公司可以在遭遇某些风险的时候保护企业创始人和企业主,使其免于承担一些法律责任。在遭遇风险的时候,也许企业本身会缩小规模甚至倒闭,但企业主一般没有法律义务动用个人资产帮助企业走出困境,这一点和个体企业不同。 密歇根州政府网站提供了一些关于在密歇根成立公司或者有限责任公司(LLC)的信息:http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_61343_35413---,00.html。 Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs在上述网站上还提供了公司最初注册所需的一些表格。此外,网站上还列出了注册所需费用。 由于可以通过政府网站上提供的信息和表格注册一个非常简单的公司或者有限责任公司,有些小企业主会选择DIY,而不是聘请律师或律所来帮助注册。当然,在有些情况下,这是完全O.K.的。 如果你有多位投资人,或者还有其他人在公司运营中扮演重要角色,那么你最好还是聘请一位律师来帮忙,因为那些最简单的注册表格并不涉及小型企业具体运营的任何方面。此外,对于一些可能出现的法律问题,例如一位投资人是否可以购买另一位投资人的权益,最好在企业成立之初在运营或管理规定(operating or managing agreement)中就约定好,而不是等到出现争议时再去考虑。基于以上原因,聘请律师就显得尤为重要。 如果您想了解关于公司设立的更多信息,请随时联系我们。   以下是成立公司之前您需要考虑的一些事项: 您的商业目标 责任 公司所有权模式,包括股份额 公司法定代理人 公司控股和投票要求 公司章程 董事责任及免责条款

2014-11-14T19:25:57-05:00November 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Michigan Law-Starting a New Small Business

Starting or reorganizing a small business in Michigan is always exciting, if not just a bit scary or confusing  too.  The state of Michigan itself has a lot of decent information available on their websites, such as here:  http://www.michiganbusiness.org/cm/files/brochures/non-medc_produced/guide-to-starting-and-operating-a-small-business(1).pdf  and also here: http://www.michigan.gov/business Many very small businesses are set up as sole proprietorships, with virtually [...]

2014-11-14T19:22:12-05:00November 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Grandparent Visitation Rights in Michigan?

Michigan has a law that allows for grandparent visitation rights, and the law has been around since 2005, in an amended form. The law is a bit limited though, at least compared to what many grandparents hope. Still it can be a useful law for those with concerns about seeing their grandchildren.  And if you [...]

2014-10-29T18:03:54-04:00October 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Legal Audits for Business and Non-Profit Organizations

Most people in business and industry, and those leading non-profit operations, are acquainted with financial audits.  They may know more than they care to in regards to the standards and practices involved with such audits.  The American Institute of CPA's for instance, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board have issued guidelines and in fact [...]

2014-10-27T04:12:34-04:00October 27th, 2014|Uncategorized|
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